we need $40,000 to help set up the office, staff, and prayer room to disciple the next generation
Recently a young woman on our staff had a dream. She said, I was calling young leaders to come and get trained and then I handed them bags with $800 in them and said, "Let's go and disciple the next generation."
We want to create the place where young leaders can spend a year of their life being discipled in the place of prayer. So, that they can disciple the next generation. We want to train these leaders in:
52 weeks through the Bible - weekly Bible reading, training, and supervised group discussion. ("I always say, we have young people that want to lead, but they don't have true discipleship so that they can lead the next generation" - Ben Atkinson)
Prayer Room - we want to train leaders to be faithful to learn to pray.
Discipleship - We train leaders; Every leader leading a small group.
Spanish - We have invested 1000's of dollars to translate our material into Spanish.
8 x 800 = Unlimited Souls. How? We want to pay 8 leaders to spend 15 hours a week in prayer room and then 15 hours a week on evangelism and discipleship. We want to pay 8 people $800 a month to be in the prayer room. This comes out to $200 dollars a week. They will have to raise the rest of their funds. The $800 does not cover all their cost. However, it helps to get them started while they are fundraising. Once they are finished with out year training, then they can "GO" and make disciples in the nations of the earth.
CHILDREN - we are focusing our time and energy on raising up the next generation. We are committed to spending the summer discipling the 5 to 12 year olds until they know they're loved. We are also
There are so many things that we would like to be doing, but we have stayed faithful in:
UKRAIN AND RUSSIA - Prayer and giving for the crisis in Ukraine and Russia (Nadia's family in Ukraine is safe but has been dramatically affected)
PRAYER ROOM - We are building the Triangle Prayer room (We have to move and staff is increasing; We are committed to build a resting place for the Lord).
DISCIPLESHIP - Sharing the gospel and discipling the next generation (This remains the commitment of our Holy Clubs team)
GOSPEL - Sharing with GenZ on TikTok (we have a team whose videos are viewed 5000 plus times weekly)
MARRIAGES - Sewing into families especially marriages (Holy Clubs is currently building a 21 session pre marriage and marriage strengthening course).
CHILDREN Holy Clubs Children's Worship and Prayer (We are building songs and child friendly YouTube video's to equip the next generation)
MUSIC LESSONS - we are working to get music and voice lessons organized so that we can disciple multiple young people in how to sing the song of the Lord.
NEW BOOK - Books and more Books (I have written several books, the latest one "The Burning Heart of Love '' tells the day-by-day story of the Shulamite. LOOK for it soon).
PRINTING PRESS - We need a place to print our books. We want to keep books at a low cost. But we need $6000 for a simple printing press set up that will help us do this. Let's disciple the nations.
where will the $40,000 funding go?
$6,500 Printing Press - is need to purchase a used printer and copier so that we can print our own books. We could have our books drop shipped to you the
$6,400 Monthly - 8 x $800 = Unlimited Souls (see above).
$1,100 monthly Office Space - We are in need of new office space to house the printing press, store books, and host our mail room.
$17,800 to pay back - we need to pay back our accounts, which have been running a deficit, for the past few months.
$950 to purchase supplies - we need to purchase multiple supplies, tech equipment, for the prayer room, and office.
We can not move forward without your help. Blessings
Ben Atkinson - Author and Director of holyclub.com