What is the greatest crisis in the land right now? Seriously ask God this question! Wait until He answers. And the answer that you get may surprise you. The greatest crisis is not who is, or isn't, in public office. Nor, who is leading a war over here or over there. And it is not the certainty of ballot boxes. And let me add, how you have been treated in the past and should be treated in the future, is not the greatest crisis. All these are important (some more than others). However, the GREATEST CRISIS in our land is a lack of the knowledge of who God is, what He is doing, and the Fear of the Lord.
I had a dream where Jesus simply said,
"Where there is a lack of vision, Gen Z will cast off restraint and sin wildly." (Prov. 29:18)
As I sat there in AWE He then continued.
"Show them Who I am, What I think and feel about them, and show them, in My Word and by My Spirit,--what I have planned for them."
Praying the LORD'S PRAYER (meditating & personalizing the Lord's Prayer) is the answer to the greatest crisis in our Land. So, I have compiled a step by step teaching that should help you walk in the FULLNESS. Let's go through this and watch God pour out His Revival Spirit!

Your servant and His son
-Ben Atkinson
Watch each video (or listen to the Podcast) in order.
Then personalize the Lord's Prayer by --texting God.
Pray them daily. (It's that simple)
VIDEO #1 Teach Us To Pray
Introducing the dream that called me to Pray the Lord's Prayer.
Personalize the "Our Father" Prayer, and pray it "UP". You do this by meditating on the Scripture, and then ministering the Truth back to God.
(Prayer Sheet #2) Personalize the "Our Father" Prayer, and pray it "IN". You do this by meditating on the Scripture, ministering the Truth back to God, and then speaking the truth into your heart.

(Prayer Sheet #3) Personalize the "Our Father" Prayer, and pray it "OUT" back to God. You do this by meditating on the Scripture, ministering the Truth back to God, speaking God's truth into you heart, and then praying for your neighbor.
